Our mission is:
To empower our world through love and action!
Our values are:
Leadership Development Coaching
Change Management – Prosci
Emotional Intelligence – EQi2.0/EQ360
Adaptability Intelligence – AQai
Love-based Empowerment Coaching
Mindfulness and Compassion Coaching
Martial Arts Coaching
Self-defense Coaching
Shannon Rose is driven to empower our world through love. She started her career at a small tech company, moving into global business strategies and eventually on to corporate culture impact in some of our largest medical technology and healthcare companies. These experiences empowered Shannon Rose to develop her love-based empowerment coaching approach, bringing love to the forefront of all she does. When love is at the center, love-based outcomes realize.
Shannon's skills as an Empowerment Coach have earned her a spot on the Coach Foundation's list of Top Coaches, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry! She has led and facilitated Peer Coaching Circles through LeanIn, coached adults and children in Muay Thai, led Empowerment Coaching seminars and workshops, and led leadership retreats for large and small teams.
Shannon Rose facilitates and coaches the deep conversations and transformational work needed for positive change to happen. As a result, Shannon Rose comes from a place of compassion, positivity and service-to-others.
Shannon Rose Consulting
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN